Published in
Feb 6, 2021


The QiSwap team has come to an agreement with 6Block.com to acquire a 1 year Filecoin mining contract worth over USD $100,000.00 in order to reward our liquidity providers. Participants who deposit wrapped Filecoin and Qtum in the “Qtum Locker” Nitro Pool will receive wrapped QRC20 Filecoins to their Qtum deposit address for a period of 1 year as the mining contract earns Filecoin. The start date will commence April 20th 2021.

This functionality is similar to the “Qtum Beets” Nitro Pool that stakes 1 million Qtum tokens and shares the stake with liquidity providers. The only required action is to deposit liquidity and wait for the rewards to arrive.

The QiSwap team acquired 3x 6Block F3+ contracts for 1 year worth USD $109,650.00

This snippet is from the standard service level agreement contract that is provided at 6block.com

Please feel free to direct any questions about this on our official Telegram channel:


