Space Pioneers on Planet QiSwap

Pioneers 2 Payout

2 min readApr 14, 2021

Pioneers is meant to be an ongoing program in the QiSwap ecosystem. This will likely become a monthly event. When we originally announced Pioneers 2 in our January 22nd article, the rewards were based on the number of swaps in order to stress test QiSwap. We did say that the article was subject to change, and in the February 9th article we mentioned that liquidity provided was also a way to generate rewards. After Pioneers 2 ended, we released an article on April 2nd that stated liquidity provided was more weighted than simply making swaps.

While it makes more sense to pay rewards based on liquidity, as opposed to letting a few individuals spam the network and poach the lion’s share of the rewards, we did say Pioneers 2 was meant to be a stress test.

We will change this back to the January 22nd rules that were originally published so swapping is the payout mechanism for Pioneers 2.

This is the original article here:

We will pay the 2 million Qi tokens to participants who swapped between our main network launch to February 21st, 2021. The more swaps performed, the more payout is received. The Qi tokens will be airdropped to the Qtum address associated with the swap. If you do not have your wallet anymore, there is nothing we can do to help you and we will not send Qi to another wallet address.

Moving forward there will be other events, all of which will require holding Qi tokens. If there are future airdrops, they will be paid based on Qi holdings, not Qtum.

The Qi staking contract will require Qi.

Any future Pioneers programs will be based on Qi liquidity provided or amount swapped, not the number of swaps.

We will have paid out 3 million Qi tokens to Pioneers participants. Owning Qi tokens was not required for Pioneers 1. For Pioneers 2 anyone with pennies worth of Qtum and Qc could have participated. Moving forward, Pioneers 3 will require actual liquidity and the amount swapped will count as weight. This won’t be a problem for the Pioneers 1 and 2 participants, as they have been rewarded with a large amount of Qi tokens.

To sum this up, everything moving forward will require Qi tokens. There will be no more events that allow participants to receive a payout without holding Qi. With the amount of free tokens provided, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Thank you for your attention.



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